Sticky Mobile

Content Boxes

Show your content in Style!

Card Classic

This is the classic content box. You can modify this to any style just by adding classes to it.

Card Classic Full

This is the classic content box. You can modify this to any style just by adding classes to it.

Shadow Gradient

This box is a gradient. Any color can be composed to a gradient from the color packs included.

Content Colors

This box is a solid color. You can set it to the page highlight or set any color from the pack.

Content Gradient

This box is a gradient. Any color can be composed to a gradient from the color packs included.

Content Colors Full Size

This box is a solid color. You can set it to the page highlight or set any color from the pack.

Content Gradient Full Size

This box is a gradient. Any color can be composed to a gradient from the color packs included.

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