Sticky 4.0
The Most Complete Mobile Kit.
We always listen to your feedback and now Sticky got the biggest update since it's release!
Back to ComponentsBootstrap Integration 5
Now, fully powered by Vanilla Javascript. Faster, more compatible with new modern frameworks than ever!
- Bootstrap 4.x jQuery Version Included
- Bootstrap 5.x Vanilla JS Included
- No jQuery Dependency
- Native RTL Support
- AJAX Page Loading
- PWA Ready
We re-wrote the entire CSS library to include everything Bootstrap is capable of handling, and our entire custom code, is now structured beautifully into SCSS files, all Bootstrap Compatible
- Bootstrap SCSS Files Included
- All Sticky structure, pages and components included in structured, eazy to follow SCSS files.
The Fastest Mobile on Envato
Sticky now moves from page to page in a heartbeat. Running on AJAX Page changing, the code is classic HTML, but that loads in a heartbeat!
- Classic HTML5, CSS3, and Vanilla Javascript
- AJAX Page Transitions ( can be disabled )
Progressive Web App (PWA) Ready
StickyMobile is still the best selling PWA on Envato. Now it's been improved to load and move even faster and be even more stable on multiple devices.
Dark Mode & Highlights
Sticky Mobile natively integrates dark mode support, and sticky will always remember the mode you select.
- Automatic Dark Mode Detection Available
- theme-light / theme-dark / detect-theme classes
- Simple bg-highlight / color-highlight classes
- Sticky will Remember which Color you Seleect
- Sticky will Remember which Theme you Select
- Show/Hide content based on Light/Dark mode.
Right to Left ( RTL ) Ready
Sticky is used internationally by our customers, and many have asked for us to add full RTL support. Starting with Sticky 2.3 and now 3.0 RTL is a main feature!
- RTL Vesion with SCSS files included.
Unmatched Documentation.
We took every single piece of code and documented it for everyone to be able to understand. Together with the Bootstrap 5 documentation. you are 100% covered!
- Includes simple _starter.html
- Includes all features documentation
- Video Documentation Coming Soon
StickyMobile Full Changelog
Here is the direct changelog. It's not as pretty but it shows a full list of what's new in StickyMobile.
GlobalBoostrap 5 Framework
GlobalVanilla JS - No jQuery Dependency
GlobalLoading Speed Improved by up to 60%
GlobalSCSS Structured Files
GlobalRTL Version with SCSS Included
GlobalIncluded Bootstrap 5.x Vanilla JS Version
GlobalIncluded Bootstrap 4.x jQuery Version
CoreAll Pages are now Boostrap Friendly
CoreAll columns replaced with Bootstrap Rows or Flex system
CoreComponents fully compatible with Bootstrap
Coretrue/false - enable disable PWA & AJAX system
CoreAll Bootstrap elements support this, but now, our Sidebars, Sheets and Modals support .showMenu() .hideMenu() for programatic use
CoreAdding detect-theme to the body will change to dark or light based on device preferences.
CorePWA's now work with iOS devices perfectly, with full cache control, making Sticky the first and only item on ThemeForest to fully support iOS PWA's.
AddedAction Pack
AddedFood Pack
AddedFinance Pack
AddedTask Management Pack
AddedContent Editing Pack
AddedPhotograph Pack
AddedEducation Pack
AddedCommerce Pack
AddedSettings Page - 2 Styles
AddedSplash Screens - 3 Styles
AddedWalkthrough Screens - 3 Styles
AddedAccount/Profile Edit Page
AddedEmoji Unicode Sample Page
AddedSwitch Link Groups
AddedTooltips Component
AddedBreadcrumb Component
AddedSkeleton Buttons & Icons
AddedHeader & Footer now support badges.
AddedAdvanced Preloading for CSS images.
AddedBadge Support ( like this ) for lists.
AddedBootStrap Styled Toggles for iOS/Android
AddedDark Mode Toggle Sync with Page
AddedHighlight, Background and Dark Mode remember
Due to the upgrade to Bootstrap 5.0 and removing jQuery support, StickyMobile 4.0 is not compatible with previous versions. We will continue to provide support for earlier versions.